For those of you who are seeking treatment for your family members or yourselves, one thing to consider is the human connection. Patients are the most successful when they have a support system — doctors, family, friends, and counselors — to help them follow their unique treatment plan, and help them when they experience a setback. Medication-Assisted Treatment isn’t just…
You are doing it right now by reading this! You know your family member or friend has an addiction, and you are trying to discover the best ways possible to help them. Educating yourself on addiction is a great way to support a loved one. You won’t know exactly what they’re going through, but you’ll learn how to help them avoid…
Our busy lives are challenging, to say the least. On top of that, trying to find a path to a clean and healthy lifestyle during a pandemic might feel like participating in Iron Man after food poising the night before. Check out these three tips below to support your mental and physical health in these complicated times. Deep Breathing –…
Addiction can be baffling and requires a custom approach to overcome. These days, a lot of people are struggling with chronic pain and opiate addiction. Triggers For an addict, many environmental triggers can make escaping addiction especially difficult. Everyday stressors and environmental cues can lead to a cycle of addiction that becomes hard to escape. Luckily medication-assisted treatment can help…
Opiate addiction is an epidemic. Even the strongest among us still experience withdrawals, cravings, and hopelessness that can become pervasive in our lives. Luckily, medication-assisted rehabilitation is available and can lessen the withdrawals. What do we do? We are a dedicated team of professionals who are well trained in the field of helping people cope with addiction issues. We have…